Error while trying to sync via SFTP to ANdroid phone

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Posts: 2
Joined: 15 Aug 2024


Hi, I just started to figure out how to sync from my Linux-machine to my android phone (Galaxy S22) and found a post where it says to install an SFTP server. So I did that and installed the SSH Server from Banana Studio, created a user, with password, and set up this as path:
I then set up the SFTP in FFS, selected a small folder in my linux machine and pressed "Synchronise"

But I only get this error:
Screenshot from 2024-08-15 20-04-13.png
Screenshot from 2024-08-15 20-04-13.png (120.65 KiB) Viewed 1152 times
Any help much appreciated, thanks!
Posts: 22
Joined: 5 Jan 2024



I use that very same sFTP server software.

I will upload a couple of screenshots that may help you. A few hours from now, I should have some updates for you.
Posts: 2
Joined: 15 Aug 2024


Hi all,

I somehow got it going, I read somewhere, where someone had a similar problem, he was asked if he uses the same username on both machines (don't know the answer) but as I did the same I changed the user on the phone, tried again and it finally started working!
Thanks for the support,
