batch jobs lost on update. are they stored somewhere?

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Joined: 12 Jan 2020


Somewhere, possibly during my latest update, I lost several batch jobs I'd saved that were fairly elaborate. Nothing there now. Is that information stored somewhere in the file system, such that they may be recoverable? I have backups, I'd just like to know where to look. THANKS!
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Joined: 13 Sep 2024


Try creating a new one, then right click on it and select "show in explorer".
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With "batch jobs lost" I suppose you are mean FreeFileSync (FFS) sync configurations you saved from the FFS GUI as batch files. If you do so, those sync configurations files are saved in a self selected location under a self selected name, and get the file extension *.ffs_batch .
So, you should simply be able to find those files in your (at the time of saving) self selected location.
If you don't remember that location, do a search in e.g. Window File Explorer for *.ffs_batch.