Feature request: block-level copy

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Hi Zenju,

first of all.... congratulation for this great tool! I really like to work
with it.
One thing that I'm really missing in daily work, is the possibility to copy
large files, like .pst, or other database files with a block-level copy, like
rsync p.ex. use it.
This functionality with the rest of your tool would be awesome.
Do you think that there will be the chance to include this function? I know,
it will certainly a huge change... but I think I'm not the only one who could
use this.

Thanks in advance

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[404, Invalid URL: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=1093083&aid=3565322&group_id=234430]
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Link 404. Yes, I know it's from 2012, but I am cuious what you were referring to.
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So am I, another 3 years later ;)
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Lady Fitzgerald

Oh, that's just cruel! ;)
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I googled it and found this thread, wish this get implemented, it is a pain to copy a few 100GB VM image everytime to an external drive even with just a little change...
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What I'm seeing is that delta transferring requires data to be stored in chucks/blocks and that requires some control over the remote location. FFS is designed as a tool that is only needed on one side of the transfer and as such doesn't have that kind of implementation.