Log file name?

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Posts: 2
Joined: 21 Jan 2010


Hello, there..

First things first - FFS is brilliant, so kudos!

I was wondering if it's possible to change the filename of the log files

I know you can specify the folder, but the filename appears to be locked to
Backup_x YEAR-MM-DD HHMMSS.log

I was hoping to change this to remove the spaces. This is PURELY a selfish
reason in terms of mailing links to the log files. At the moment, my backup
script renames the log files to remove the spaces but I figured it'd be worth
asking if it could be included as a feature :)
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Currently I see the following design options:
1. Provide an expicit (GUI) option: -> the costs seems to high for this small non-functional feature
2. Change the default: I expect that a lot of batch file names contain spaces, so the time/date postfix should be allowed to use them as well, if only at the minimum benefit of less visual clutter.
3. Integrate it into some other feature: Maybe I'll allow to specify the format for custom versioning schemes viewtopic.php?t=1827 A similar route could be taken for the logfile path. But I guess this would probably be overkill with regards to "cost/benefit".
4. Can't your requirement be fulfilled by simply using quotes to tag a file name containing whitespace?
Posts: 2
Joined: 21 Jan 2010


Apologies for the tardiness in replying - things have been manic lately!

In answer to number 4 - my script parses the log file for errors and emails me
(via BLAT) with a hyperlink to the script file with the error.

I was having issues with email-based hyperlinks to files with spaces in them,
so the easiest way was to remove the spaces in the filename :)

I did say it was an entirely selfish request reason :)