[SOLVED] ffs_tmp error code 1920 with SkyDrive / OneDrive

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just wanted to briefly dump the solution to my problem here :)
(couldn't find it on this help forum so I thought it would make a good addition).

I always received numerous sync error code 1920 about some *.ffs_tmp file, and this only happened with some but not all files in my Microsoft OneDrive folder (previously called Microsoft SkyDrive).

Actually I feel a bit stupid now since the cause seems so obvious retrospectively ^^ I set some folders in my Microsoft OneDrive to not physically sync to my hard disk. Somehow Windows File Explorer makes the OneDrive files look as if they're on my hard drive, with the correct file size and everything, but they're just dummies of some sort. So I turned it off (I flipped that switch in the Metro OneDrive app that read "make all files available offline"), and now it works!!! :)
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I logged on just to ask about OneDrive "online only" / "smart file" support, and found your post still warm on the forum. :)

I've got very little space on the built-in SSD on my ultrabook, so I really can't make these files available offline.

My question thus is for the developer; is it possible to add support for OneDrive's smart files?

In case you're not a OneDrive user yourself, "smart files" is a beautiful feature-set in Windows 8.1 (maybe on other platforms too) where OneDrive will upload the entire file to the cloud, but keep thumbnails and meta data (creation times, file size, etc) in the local file system.

They remain searchable and sortable, but OneDrive / Windows (not sure which) transparently streams the file from the web when you open and edit them.

I would love to see FreeFileSync support that - streaming the full file to my backup drive.

Pretty please with sugar on top? :)
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I'm currently working on [404, Invalid URL: https://sourceforge.net/p/freefilesync/feature-requests/141/]. If successful, everything accessible via Windows Explorer can then be used by FreeFileSync, not just ordinary files.
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Awesome. Thanks for looking into it!