Stop Monitoring

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I have a colleague who setup RealTimeSync monitoring on two directories,
unfortunately not in silent mode. So now monitoring is active, it just pauses
whenever that popup happens (documentation doesn't mention anything about this
- or am I plain blind?). Trying to troubleshoot why syncing doesn't happen,
'start'ed RealTimeSync again (using prev configuration file). Then I get two
popups whenever a change occurs (I am guessing this is because I 'start'ed
additional time ?). At that point I still didn't realize that it is the popup
thats causing the sync flow to stop/pause, I 'start'ed a couple of times more
withthe same config. Now when there is no popup, and a change occurs, I see
popups, as many as I 'start'ed and then later changes are not handled.

My q: How do I STOP monitoring ? Obviously there are multiple 'thread's
running independently of one another. How do I stop all additional ones? Once
I am sure there is only one sync running, I will then put it in silent mode.
(by just changing false to true in the silent node in the xml-right?)

I couldn't find in documentation how to 'stop' a active monitoring session.
Am I just blind? What am I missing that I should have minimum knowledge of ?
Where do I see all running monitors on my machine? In my setup, sync is nto
setup as a scheduled task, nor as a service. where else?? I am totally lost.
Any help would truly brighten my new year. Thank you.
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> documentation doesn't mention anything about this
It's in help file "Schedule Batch Job". But anyway usually it's easy to
recognize that (modal) popups of any kind stop the process flow.

> How do I STOP monitoring
Right-click the systray icon and select "exit".

>How do I stop all additional ones?
Each time you start RTS there is a distinct process. So make sure to start a
single instance only. Besides, instances are closed one by one.

>silent node in the xml-right?
Possible, but it's easier to choose the corresponding GUI option when creating
a batch job.

> Where do I see all running monitors
In Systray there is one icon for each process. Also in process monitor the
instances are visible.

> I am totally lost.
I had hoped the helpfile "Schedule Batch Job" provides a step-by-step
instruction that is usable. If you find something that needs to be added, I'm
happy to include it.
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Joined: 30 Dec 2010


Thank you very much for the reply. The systray is a nob. I should've checked
there before my rant.
Still I think the documentation could be made more 'fool'friendly.
About the xml update to make process 'silent', I wanted least possible
intervention from my part to something I don't usually handle. I didn't want
to create a new batch job. Thanks again.
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>didn't want to create a new batch job
You don't need to create a new batch job. Just load the old one and change the
settings, then save again.

> could be made more 'fool'friendly.
I'll add the info about "silent mode" to the RTS helpfile also, making this
section more self-contained.