Set file attributes on destination

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Posts: 1
Joined: 14 Dec 2010


Free File Sync is a great tool. Thank you very much!

I look for an option to set file attributes on the destination. In my case, it
is the 'Archive' attribute which I need to have reset on the files added or
updated on the destination by FFS. As I understand, FFS should copy the file
attributes with the files. Yet, the 'Archive' attribute is always set, even if
it wasn't with the source file. A solution would be an option, in the
synchronise settings, to have the attributes on the destination to be set,
reset or left unchanged, possibly as separate settings for the 'Archive',
'Hidden', and 'Read Only' attributes.

Resetting all attributes on the destination folders after synchronising is no
solution, since, for example, the file attributes of files which have been
changed by the user (and not by FFS) must keep their 'Archive' attribute.

Is there a possibility to add such an option?

Thank you
