Sync between x64 and x86

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Ok, to premise, I didn't see anything about not using this in commercial use,
so if I am out of line, please feel free to let me know.

I have two servers (SBS 2003 R2 x86) and (2003 R2 x64). I have files that I
store on x64 for normal use, but if that server goes down, want a fresh copy
on x86 for such occasions, and then when back up, resync back to the x64

Right now I have a batch file that fires every 15 min on the x86 machine to
synchronize the 10 folders I need it to.
However, if a person opens up an Excel/Word Doc on the x64 server, I get

Error: Error copying locked file "\\x64\share1\...\~$Phone Log from Voice
Error starting Volume Shadow Copy Service!
(Error calling "AddToSnapshotSet". (0x80042308: IDispatch error #8456))

I have tried to add the filter ~$*.*, but doesn't seem to work, always asks me
to add to the list.

I'm not sure about the batch file to re-register the volume shadow copy as our
backups use NTBackup and have not had a problem with VSS and nothing is
showing in the event logs.

The batch is running as administrator.
\program files\freefilesync\freefilesync.exe share1.ffs_batch

I guess the main question is, can VSS be run remotely (I have to move the
batch routines to the x64 server for this to work), or some other inherit
problem between x86 and x64, or the batch file to register VSS located in the
help needs to be updated for an x64 machine or something else I have not
accounted for.

Thanks in advance.
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> Ok, to premise, I didn't see anything about not using this in commercial
use, so if I am out of line, please feel free to let me know.
No problem.

> Error: Error copying locked file "\\x64\share1\...\~$Phone Log from Voice
> Error starting Volume Shadow Copy Service!
> (Error calling "AddToSnapshotSet". (0x80042308: IDispatch error #8456))
According to the error message says:
<pwszVolumeName> does not correspond to an existing volume. It may be that the
share folder is not correctly formatted. Unfortunately the error message
doesn't say which "volume" it tried to process. I've therefore patched my
current version of FFS to return the volume name in the error message also.
Could you try again and see what you get?
[404, Invalid URL:]

> I have tried to add the filter ~$*.*, but doesn't seem to work, always asks
me to add to the list.
The filter is relative to the base sync dirs: *\~$* should do.

> I guess the main question is, can VSS be run remotely
May also be the problem here.
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Sorry, didn't replace properly, if you can delete the previous post, please do

Error: Error copying locked file "\\x64\Share\...\~$Phone Log from Voice
Error starting Volume Shadow Copy Service!
(Error calling "AddToSnapshotSet". (0x80042308: IDispatch error #8456) Volume:
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Looks good. You could test the "\\?\UNC\x64" prefix. But I guess the problem
in this case is that the directory is a network share and not a local volume.
Would make sense in a way as the OS has control over local volumes but not
remote network shares.

But to be sure one would need to read the MS docu :)
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from the looks of this web site
it appears I need to switch the sync to be from the x64 down to the x32
I'll do that and let you know.
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Well, I guess that doesn't work either. Found out I cannot for the life of me
get a scheduled task to run under x64 using either wscript, kixtart or batch
unless the user is logged into the server. I've switched it back, and lost 3
hours trying to get this to work. If you have more info on this, please let me
know, but I have several folders scattered and don't want to create 10
scheduled tasks if I can help it to make this work.
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I don't have more info in this. The standard usecase is creating a shadow copy
of a local volume. This is tested and supported by the tool. However if it is
possible to also create volume snapshots of network drives then I'd like to
know about it and try to find out what is necessary to make it work with the
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Well, let me rephrase. The Shadow copy works with running the sync on the x64,
I no longer get the message when using the sync on the main server (x64).
However, the script to run all 10 batch sequences only works if the user the
scheduled task is assigned to is logged in. If I am not logged in, it does not
launch. I've tried to use kixtart, wscript, and batch files, and nothing
works. It appears to fire, but does nothing. If I log in, works like a charm.
No I do not use mapped drives, i am using UNC for the opposite server, and it
works just fine on the x86 machine using the same method and scripts. I've
seen some chatter about x64 and scheduled tasks not working, but I have a
backup batch that seems to work just fine. I simply don't understand quite yet
why it won't run properly. I've seen rights issued on the folders from google,
but the user I've set is my standard admin that I log in with, so I have
nothing to "set" to make it work any differently.
For right now, I'm stuck running this on the x86 until I can determine why the
script won't work on an x64 machine.
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So you have one "main server pc" with x64 OS and multiple client pcs with x86
OS. You have one large batch job that is started to execute regularly by the
server and is supposed to start a batch file that syncs with all client pcs.
This only works if you are logged on to the server. Is this your setup?
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Two 2003 servers. one is x86 (SBS 2003 R2), and one is x64 (2003 R2). The x86
is basically a backup file server if the x64 goes down. I have the batch
working just fine on the x86, except the shadow copy doesn't work because
files are in use on the x64. if I attempt to run the batch on the x64, I don't
get the shadow copy errors, but the batch won't run because of some wierd
x86/x64 translation is all I can figure. FreeFileSync is installed as x64, and
I would think that batch and wscript would work just fine. Now I'm remembering
that the Program Files redirection isn't woking in kixtart (32 bit only) and
my ntbackup works because it is in system32 (x64) which explains why that is
working properly on a x64 while this doesn't. I'll spend some more time
tonight to see if I can determine the problem, but spent too much "production
time" this morning on it.
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You said the script located on the x64 server starts when you log in. Do you
mean log in to the server, or any of its clients? In former case: Did you
check the "start only if user is logged in" task planner option? Also I'd
check if this task planner job is bound to a specific user. As it is supposed
to run, even with no user logged in, it should be assigned to the "system"
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ok, script is setup to run (weekly) every 15 min from 6am to 5pm M-F. If I log
into the server, and wait for the appropriate time, the script runs, all the
log files get created, and everything is fine. I logout, no more logs, not
even if I remotely goto \\x64\scheduled tasks, and run it from there. as for
the user domain\administrator
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Try the "system" account instead of normal user account on the server. This
should work no matter if someone is logged in or not.
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Won't work as system won't have access to network share on other machine.