feature request - easier add to filter

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Joined: 4 Jul 2012


It would be nice that after you do a sync if you could right click on a file path in the source list and have the option to add it to the filter list. After going thru the paths you could then switch to the filter and edit the added lines (maybe have them unselected) to make into wildcards. This would make it easier to construct filters when you have complex paths or a lot to add to the list in the filter. When you have a lot of files it is a pain to switch back and forth between the compare path list and the filter box to add filters.
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You can already add file paths to the filter by right clicking right now, so what is it exactly that is missing?
Posts: 2
Joined: 17 Jul 2014


I'm not sure if I'm thinking the same thing but I have two computers I sync - e.g. \\my-pc1\f\folder name and \\my-pc2\f\folder \\my-pc1\f\folder2\.... it would be great when adding folders to sync if it was easy to have the same drop down search on each side instead of the last folder which is often the opposite machine from the one you want to sync to.