Many thanks + totally silent mode

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Many many many thanks to Zenju for your software !!!
I had to totally redeploy my LAN machines, and your program helps me a lot !!!

I have a question, is it possible to TOTALLY silently synchronize ?

Here's my case.

I created a scheduled task on each machine that runs this command : c:\freefilesync\freefilesync.exe
Param : \\my-server\my-share\myProfile.ffs_batch<file:///\\my-server\my-share\myProfile.ffs_batch>

This makes it possible to synchronize every 5 minute each profile and it's far enough for me (using GPO, lower than 5 minutes is a bit tricky).

BUT : for laptops, when the network is not available, users have a big FreeFileSync warning : "my-server\my-share\myProfile.ffs_batch is not available" + a button "OK".
When they show a powerpoint prez in front of a prospect, it's not very good... I was almost killed ;-)

Is there a way to hide this message ?

PS : I do not want to use RealTimeSync, by GPO I tried many times and it's not practical.
PS2 : maybe I can manually update the scheduled task, but I have to do it on each machine ...

Thanks for your reply.
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Error messages during a powerpoint are a classical bad thing (tm) :) But from FreeFileSync's perspective I'm not sure if there is something to improve: FFS allows to ignore errors and also set a path for the log files. But these options are saved in the .ffs_gui/.ffs_batch files. Not being able to load such a config file is the most severe error FFS can have. Not only does FFS not know what to do, it doesn't even know in which way to report this error, since error handling is saved on a per-configuration basis.
Therefore FFS unconditionally shows a popup dialog assuming that getting an invalid/not-existent path to a configuration file is a one-time setup problem.
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It seems the best you can do is to make a batch-script that checks the availability
of the server or of the ffs_batch-file, and only if available invokes FFS.
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sorry i was off yesterday.

Zenju > yes, i understand : for a simple reason you can understand, i prefer having 1 file on the network to modify than having 1 file per PC, thant makes it impossible (or very hard) to edit after.

Is there a way just to hide this popup ?
i understand it's a client/OS side problem and *may* be difficult to deal with.

Plerry > I already :
- set a path for log files on the server again (it works great)
- set "ignore all errors" and reduce the window wile executing (it works great as well)

Zenju + Plerry >
i can test a batch file, but this makes me copy a .bat file when i install the software ... Why not. A bit difficult to apply (because i'll have to copy this bat to all the machines that have the software now) but maybe it's the solution.
A command line parameter would be easier to apply, because i just have 1 GPO to edit.

thanks for your suggestions!
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i tried several configs :

1) create a "MLX.bat" file that contains ony this :

@echo off
if exist \\my-server\my-share\myProfile.ffs_batch (
"c:\FreeFileSync\FreeFileSync.exe" "\\my-server\my-share\myProfile.ffs_batch"
) else (

Then on the scheduled task, run this MLX.bat

RESULT : ok i have no warning (youpiii) BUT every 5 min I have a black CMD window that pops up when network not available... :( so this is not a good solution.

2) i created a .lnk file called link_MLX.lnk => c:\freefilesync\MLX.bat and in the properties of this link, i selected "start minimized".
Then i ran this by scheduled task every 5 minutes :

cmd /c start /min c:\freefilesync\link_mlx.bat

RESULT : idem. This does not help.

3) there is a VB Script advised on my other reply here

i'm going to find how tu run it within ST.
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Joined: 17 Dec 2013


New test : i created a file callex "MLX.vbs" in c:\freefilesync (the application folder).

this file contains :

' ****
Dim objShell, objFSO
Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject ("")
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If objFSO.FileExists("\\my_server\my_share\my_profilecopy.ffs_batch") Then ("C:\FreeFileSync\FreeFileSync.exe " & "\\my_server\my_share\my_profilecopy.ffs_batch")
End If

' ****

In my scheduled task, i run a programm : wscript
parameters : //b C:\FreeFileSync\MLX.vbs
(so the whole command is wscript //b C:\FreeFileSync\MLX.vbs)

it seems to work : unplugged my laptop, wait for 5 minutes, the task executed but no screen.
Re-plugged my laptop, waiting 5 minutes, sync restarts.

Pre-prod now.