Feature Req: osx ._* disable writing to non-hfs destination

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Feature Request: For mac-os-x, add option to enable or disable writing of extra non-essential ._* files on non-hfs destination(s), with default being to disable ._* file creation.

Currently on Mac-os-x, when copying from hfs to non-hfs, such as to a FAT32 usb-stick, sometimes it looks like FreeFileSync (7.8 build 1-Jan-2016) creates ._* files on FAT32 volume. For example, for 2 files foo.txt and bar.txt, on the destination will be 4 files: foo.txt, ._foo.txt, bar.txt, ._bar.txt, etc. Suppose a usb-stick with Fat32 format is mounted at /Volumes/FAT32 (or you can use a fat32 formated FAT32.dmg file).
Create foo.txt and bar.txt in TextEdit, make some changes, and Quit TextEdit, saving the files to /Users/Shared folder. Then the ._* files would be created by
cp -p   /Users/Shared/foo.txt   /Volumes/FAT32
cp -p   /Users/Shared/bar.txt   /Volumes/FAT32
I wish FFS could avoid creation of ._* file, as can be done currently with these cp commands:
cp -pX   /Users/Shared/foo.txt   /Volumes/FAT32
cp -pX   /Users/Shared/bar.txt   /Volumes/FAT32
man 1 cp
... cp -- copy files
...   -X    Do not copy Extended Attributes (EAs) or resource forks.
At first, I was hoping that the filter would stop this writing, but the filter only applies to the source-file selection.
That is, on Mac-os-X, when copying from non-hfs to hfs, this filter works to exclude these items from destination:
But it seems the above filter does *not* prevent creation of ._* files on non-hfs destination(s).
Note: if these were copied to a hfs destination, I think dot_clean could be used to clean them up:
 man 1 dot_clean
says: dot_clean -- Merge ._* files with corresponding native files.
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I've added a check to only copy extended attributes if the target volume natively supports it instead of creating these AppleDouble files. Here's the new version, let me know if there are any issues: