BUG: Exclude Items

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I've been reading through the Help file, and if I understand things correctly, things don't work as they should. I'm using v7.9 on Windows 7.

I'm trying to sync some .lnk files. I have them in my Documents folder, and also in some subfolders under Documents. The left folder is set to C:\Users\Jim\. I put this line under Include: \Documents\*.lnk

I expected that this would grab only the .lnk files that are in the Documents folder, but it is grabbing all of the .lnk files in both Documents, and all subfolders under Documents. I was expecting that I would have to do something different to get it to include the .lnk files in the subfolders, that looked like this: \Documents\*\*.lnk
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* also matches \, which is required to make *.ext filter phrases work. But to solve your problem you can exclude all subdirectories in addition to your include filter.