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Zenju, once again, thanx for the program.

Should it be possible to implement an option to copy (or not to copy) the file ADS-streams? It could be very usefull e.g. when a program has tampered with the streams of the "original" files, that FFS doesn't copy those unwanted streams. Or, the opposite, that files with unwanted streams in the "backup" location, would be overwritten by FFS with "clean" files without streams. Of course, you can get rid of the streams manually or with a program, but doing it when synchronizing would be a great and easy solution.
Besides this, it would also solve the problem with programs as Comodo adding streams and changing file dates (already answered by you).

Thanx for your time.
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This sounds more like a data clean-up rather than synchronization scenario. Changing ADS data changes the modification times, too (unless intentionally counter-acted by the software that changes the ADS), so ADS will be synced correctly (irrespective if the data itself has any value). The Comodo problem cannot be solved by an ADS option because, as mentioned, the modification times changes, so for FFS this looks like any other modified file.
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Zenju, thank you for this clear explanation.