Source folder is not static but named as 2016-05-12

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Joined: 12 May 2016



im trying to Sync from remote SFTP server. This server /backup/ folder contains
/monthly/datehere/ files there
/weekly/datehere/ files there
2016-05-12/ files there
2016-05-11/files there
2016-05-10/ files there

and my aim is to always download only latest files. I set time filter to "Today" and it indeed finds correct/latest/todays folder (2016-05-12)

BUT i do not wish whole folder be coppied, only its contents. Why? Because if i copy folder, my local HDD space will be decreasing as i will be creating new and new folders as each day the folder that i will want to sync will have different name...

So please how i can sync only from latest folder while its name is variable not static and download only contents of the folder, not folder itself?

My english is bad, im sorry