Local copy from SFTP server for external program (e.g. WinMerge)

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Posts: 9
Joined: 18 Jan 2016


Hi All,

I recently managed to get SFTP support working with FreeFileSync and my setup.
But external programs such as WinMerge can't cope with SFTP links.
Actually it generate links like: D:\data\sftp://192.168.....
Is it possible for FreeFileSync to make a local copy of the file, so external programs like WinMerge don't have to know how to interpret these SFTP links?

Kind Regards,
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Temporary copy for non-native file paths has been implemented for 8.3. Let me know if you find any issues:
Posts: 9
Joined: 18 Jan 2016


Great! It really works great, and transparent.
One suggestion, mark the local copy as read-only, so WinMerge (and others) give a warning when writing to changes to a temporary copy, that would be lost otherwise.

Great work and thanks for the swift implementation,

Kind Regards,