RTS - 2 Questions (running RTS while logged out...)

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Joined: 14 Jul 2016


I have a single batch file that needs to sync files from 2 folders
I can't rely on 1 machine being logged in all the time but would prefer to
have RTS just running from 1 machine.

Q. Is it possible to have RTS running while a PC is just on but with no user logged in.

If no, is it possible to have RTS monitoring the 2 folders but from 2 different PC's at the same time
without conflicting so that at least 1 machine would "catch" the file changes and sync the folders
or would there be errors or a clash with the same batch file being run from 2
instances of RTS running simultaneously?

I don't really want to leave the main pc logged in just so RTS can be running all the time
but do need the service available when I'm not in the office to keep things up to date.

Thank you