Bugs related to open windows (FFS 6.10, OS X)

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Joined: 25 May 2014


I observed the following behaviour, which I cosider as bugs:

1.) If syncing has finished and you close the main window before the little progress window, FreFileSync crashes.

2.) the order of the main window and the progress window is changed after the litte window with the aler "the two volumes differ al lot, do you want to proceed?" pops up and you confirmed it. I.E. the progress window is hiden by the main window after you closed the allert.

3.) FFS does not remember the location of the progress window, I.E. if you moved the progress window around so that is next and not in front (or behind) the main window, the next time you use FFS and the progress window opens it is again in the middle of the main window.

4.) I see no way bringing the different windows to forground, than moveing the one in the forground out of the way and clicking on the hidden. A menu to acces the windows or some keybord shortcuts would be more convienient.