Update 8.2 to 8.3 Russian additional software?

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first time here, please be gentle. ;-)

I tried to update from 8.2 to 8.3. First, via File-Hippo.
The installer asked me about additional software, but the options I could chose, etc, it's all in Russian. I don't speak Russian, nor do I read it, unfortunately. Nor can I type it, and copying the text to unleash Google Translate on it didn't work.
Next, I downloaded the 8.3 installer from FreeFileSync.com and tried that. Same result.
2016-07-18 11_35_45-freefilesync update russian message - Google-Suche.png
2016-07-18 11_35_45-freefilesync update russian message - Google-Suche.png (23.98 KiB) Viewed 694 times
What are these options? Specifically, what should I select so that no additional software is installed?
The round bit at the top is pre-selected, so I suspect that will be the option to install additional software.
Should I just select the bottom one and un-check all the little boxes that go with that?
I really, really don't want additional software.

Thanks for your help!
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What is the language you're speaking and what country are you from? What language have you set up in your operating system?
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I'm in Germany, I speak German and English, my OS is Windows 10, set to German.

Thanks for taking the time!
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Your IP seems to originate from Russia as far as detection of geo-location is concerned. Does this make sense? Are you using some VPN or other software that changes your IP?
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Yah, I'm using VPN.
Didn't even occur to me, sorry to have made such a fuss.
I disconnected from VPN and tried again, all went well.

Thank you for your efforts and, again, sorry!