My suggestion was to read that note in Help - View help - Syncronize with FTP
Most FTP drives set a file's time stamp to the current
time when synchronizing ignoring the source file's time
and date.
As a workaround you can do a Compare by File Size.
He replied
>Two servers are Window server 2012R2 (source) and 2008R2 (target). I have attached logs for your reference.
Logs are very very long, I deleted the [hours:minutes:seconds] part with Notepad++ 6.3.3 and then compared them with the compare plugin 1.5.6, there are the different lines between 28 and 29 logs. 29 and 30 appears to be the same, indeed.
As you can read the ticket was created 2 days ago, so I guess he just didn't noticed new files.
Simon Leung if you don't believe so, if you need further explanations or if you want to add details then please ask here and not there.
Logs are attached in that ticket I mentioned above.
This is the content of BatchRunBW3.ffs_batch, the FreeFileSync batch file used.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<FreeFileSync XmlFormat="4" XmlType="BATCH">
<VersioningFolder Style="Replace"/>
<Item>\System Volume Information\</Item>
<TimeSpan Type="None">0</TimeSpan>
<SizeMin Unit="None">0</SizeMin>
<SizeMax Unit="None">0</SizeMax>
<OnCompletion>Close progress dialog</OnCompletion>
<LogfileFolder Limit="-1">C:\FreeFileSync</LogfileFolder>