GUI source code?

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Posts: 2
Joined: 14 Nov 2014


Hello dear Zenju!
How to change GUI of early versions of FreeFileSync?
I have installed and configured CodeBloks 10.05 and wxWidgets, and i can open project file of "FreeFileSync 1.5", i can see source code, but not GUI. What i do wrond? Where is mistake? I can add new GUI panels to project using wxSmith, but i can't manage existing panels and forms. Existing panels does not visible at Resource tab at left side of the screen.
I need it for my homework/hometask. I need to analyze "how this program works" and add/manage functions, buttons, maybe add something new or change existing. I wrote to your e-mail 2 times, but not recieved any answer.

Best regards,
Posts: 2
Joined: 14 Nov 2014


Where i can get WxWizFrame.fbp ?