I am trying to use ffs to backup the maildir from an linux emailserver over ssh to a windows system (on which ffs is running). The emailfiles contain a colon, which is a prohibited character in windows filenames. During the sync the emails are copied with the name until the colon, but as empty files with 0 Bytes. If I copy this with winscp, all the emails are copied completely and the colon is replaced with %3A. In the ffs logfile I find the following error for each email-file:
[10:08:31] Info: Creating file "Z:\srv\imap\xxx\Maildir\.INBOX.Junk\cur\1470219671.M97083P23104.kif,S=13720,W=13959:2,S"
[10:08:31] Error: Cannot move file
"Z:\srv\imap\xxx\Maildir\.INBOX.Junk\cur\1470219671.M97083P23104.kif,S=13720,W=13959:2,S.ffs_tmp" to
Error Code 87: Falscher Parameter. (MoveFileEx)
Would it be possible to implement the replacemant mechanic like winscp does?
Files with colons cannot be copied
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- Joined: 4 Aug 2016