Source File Created as Dir on Target
- Posts: 2
- Joined: 24 Feb 2001
When mirroring, I frequently have to run FreeFileSync multiple times because the target is created as a directory. Same name as the source file, but as a directory. On average it takes 3 iterations for all conflicts to be reconciled. Verison 6.12 on Windows 7 Home Premium. There does not appear to be a pattern to which files this occurs with. Example: source is "\\MyHomeServer\recording\audiobook\bookname [book author]\bookname -- 001.mp3" and target may be created as directory named "\\WDTVLivePlus\Elements\recording\audiobook\bookname [book author]\bookname -- 001.mp3"
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- Posts: 7321
- Joined: 9 Dec 2007
This sounds more like a problem with the device rather than with FFS. Anyway in case you are able to reproduce this issue reliably for a certain file, then we can investigate this, e.g. via Process Monitor.
- Posts: 2
- Joined: 24 Feb 2001
I am able to copy thousands of files within a hundred folders with XCOPY and Windows Explorer drag-n-drop. Unfortunately, there is still no consistency with FFS on which files or folders it copies incorrectly.