Restore data with timestamp

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Posts: 2
Joined: 17 Sep 2016



I did a synchronisation and used the versioning option. Unfortunately I didn't select the option replace, but option timestamp.
Now I want to restore data. I have a very huge amount of files in my versioning-folder. I thought "okay, if something goes wrong I can just copy the files from there". But now every file has this timestamp added. But I want to have my original files without timestamps.

Is there any procedure to remove all timestamps?
I hope you can help me!

Kind regards,
Posts: 1067
Joined: 8 May 2006


Is there any procedure to remove all timestamps?
I have no idea about that from the FFS end, but you should be able to do that with a file renamer.

Bulk Rename Utility looks like it should be able to handle it.


Match:  (.*)( \d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d \d\d\d\d\d\d)
Replace:  \1
Basically says to find anything, followed by a space, then the sequence; YYYY-MM-DD{space}{6-digits} & strip that last section off.

Imagine you can find other file renamers (most any one that supports regular expressions, I'd expect) to be able to do the same.

(And as always, exceptions could apply.)
Posts: 2
Joined: 17 Sep 2016


Hi therube,

thank you very much! I now used the tool "Advanced Renamer". I didn't dare to use regular expression and just used normal replace, with the disadvantage of having to list all data types. I certainly missed some data types, but this ok for me in this case.
Of course using regex is the better method and I hope it can help other people, too.
