A few notes:
1. To get the event logging to work, you need to add the source you are going to use. In my case I use source "FFS". Just run the following at an administrative PS prompt: New-EventLog -LogName Application -Source "FFS"
2. Depending on your smtp server setup, you may need to add/modify to suit your environment. Just look up the cmdlet reference for Send-MailMessage.
3. I point my PS script at a FFS_batch that I keep in the same C:\BAT\ directory. I like having that external to the script just in case i need to modify anything in the FFS setup. Drive locations, version changes, filters, etc... It's much easier in the GUI.
4. In your scheduled task Action:
Program/script= Powershell.exe
Arguments= -file "C:\bat\NameOfYourFFSBatch.ffs_batch"
5. My Powershell kung fu is weak. I'm sure others can clean this up or do better. Just hoping to help.
#FFS powershell with eventlog and email alert when script errors.
#Edited 04/17/17
$recipient = 'you@somedomain.com'
$sender = 'FFSALERT@somedomain.com'
$batch = 'TheNameOfYourFFSBatch.ffs_batch'
$folder = 'C:\BAT\'
$hostname = hostname
$smtpserver = 'smtp.server.com'
#Shouldn't need to modify anything below this.
#Runs the defined ffs_batch. Waits for it to finish. Returns true when finished. Returns the exitcode/returncode.
$ffs = Start-Process "C:\Program Files\FreeFileSync\FreeFileSync.exe" "$folder$batch" -wait -PassThru
FFS Return Codes
0 - Synchronization completed successfully
1 - Synchronization completed with warnings
2 - Synchronization completed with errors
3 - Synchronization was aborted
#If return code (exitcode) = 0 (success) write event log only. If any other code returned, write event log and send email.
#You have to add the event source before a log can successfully be created: New-EventLog -LogName Application -Source "FFS"
if ($ffs.exitcode -like "0")
{Write-EventLog -LogName Application -Source "FFS" -EventId 1234 -Message "$batch completed without error."}
else {Write-EventLog -LogName Application -Source "FFS" -EventId 4321 -Message "$batch completed WITH error or warnings." ;
Send-MailMessage -To $recipient -From $sender -Subject "$batch on $hostname Has an error or warning" -SmtpServer $smtpserver}