Adding a diff command (Mac)

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I'm trying to add a custom context menu item that will call TextWrangler's twdiff program, but I can't get it to work. Any help or a working example would be greatly appreciated. Here's what I've been trying for the command (all on one line):

"Macintosh" "%item_path%" "%item_path2%"
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Why are you using ":" as path separator?
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I copied and pasted the path out of my Dreamweaver preferences dialog, and that's how it was formatted there. I've tried substituting slashes for colons in the FFS custom context menu command line, but still no joy.
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FreeFileSync expects the native path format. In this case the "Macintosh HD" needs to dropped:
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Tried that with and without the leading slash. Still stumped.
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Is there any way to see if there's a logged error message of some sort from FFS when I try to execute that command?
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Just test the command in the macOS Terminal.
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Attention to the "quotes"!
> these yes "
> these no “

Open with TextWrangler
"/Applications/" "%local_path%"

Compare with TextWrangler
"/Applications/" "%local_path%" "%local_path2%"

Open with TextWrangler
"/Applications/" "%local_path%"
Compare with TextWrangler
"/Applications/" "%local_path%" "%local_path2%"
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Attention to the "quotes"!
> these yes "
> these no “

Open with TextWrangler
"/Applications/" "%local_path%"

Compare with TextWrangler
"/Applications/" "%local_path%" "%local_path2%"

Open with TextWrangler
"/Applications/" "%local_path%"
Compare with TextWrangler
"/Applications/" "%local_path%" "%local_path2%"
toni, 11 Nov 2018, 14:11

I updated from 10.11.6 El Capitan to 10.14.6 Mojave.
Now "Compare" no longer works.
Anyone have a solution?

(FreeFileSync versione 10.18 - 19.11.2019)
(TextWrangler version 5.5.2 (397016)