One Way Compare

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Posts: 2
Joined: 14 May 2017


I use FFS in a one-way mode to create and update backup folders. I find that as the target disc holds many more folders (as I use the same HDD for other sources) and Compare seems to only operate in synch mode. This means Compare takes ages as it assume synch in both directions.
Have I missed a setting?
Is there a way to limit Compare to just work on the basis of copying updated files and folders to the target disc so its search is limited to the original directories?
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Compare should run pretty fast, unless you also let FFS compare on content.

You mention the target disc holds many folders from other sources.
FFS does not need to use the root of the target disc as its root right/target location.
Assume your target disc is E:\. Then you can create a folder on disc E called FFS_target1, e.g E:\FFS_target1
By now defining E:\FFS_target1 as the right (root) location of your FFS left-right pair, rather than just E:\, all other folders in the root of E:\ and their subfolders will no longer be compared and/or synced.

Another option is to use FFS's include and/or exclude filter.
If the folder structure in the source of your FFS sync is pretty well defined, you might use the include filter and include only the those source (and target) folders rather than the default include of all "*".
Folders not meeting the include filter definition will then not be included in the compare and sync.
Conversely, if the folder structure on the target originating from said other sources is well defined, and not present in the FFS-sync source, you might use the exclude filter and exclude the folder(s) (and thus all relevant subfolders).
Folders meeting the exclude filter definition will then not be included in the compare and sync.
Posts: 2
Joined: 14 May 2017


Perry - Many thanks I'll try out your suggestions.