Sync.ffs_db and Sync.ffs_lock problem with Google Drive

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I used FFS to sync my google drive in my main storage to an external drive for easy backup and access. And because my drive wouldnt accept that drive as a useable drive [lacking in internet connection]. But the problem here is that every time the file sync, and I setted it to that it would sync every hour. My google drive bin is flooded with copy of sync.ffs_db and sync.ffs_lock. And over on my mac, no FFS is used but the file is sync from my other computer using FFS then G-Drive. Every folder contain those two file and it ruining my folder organization.

I just want to know of a way to exclude to synconization of those two file, so that my bin is not going to be flooded with them.
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There should be only a single "sync.ffs_db" file used per folder pair when you have set up the "two way" synchronization variant. The "sync.ffs_lock" files are deleted automatically by FreeFileSync after synchronization (unless something strange is happening, e.g. some AV software reads and locks the files while FFS is trying to delete them).