Disable Log Files for RealTimeSync???

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Joined: 5 Jun 2017


I am running a RealTimeSync and the folder I backup from is on the desktop and every time RealTimeSync updates the files to the target folder, it creates a log file on desktop. Sometimes it will keep on creating log files and fill up my desktop. Log files are usually named like "BatchRun 2017-06-05 165734". Some times it even creates log files with text, "Nothing to backup".
Is there any way to disable the logging entirely or just creating one file? If the latter, how do I change its destination?
Thank you.
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When you save the job as a FFS-batch-file, in the dialog you can specify if logs are to be saved and, if so, where.

If you select to save logs but if you leave the log folder blank, FreeFileSync will store the logs inside the FreeFileSync configuration directory, which can be found in the roaming profile of the currently logged-in user.
But even if log saving is turned off, FreeFileSync always writes the most recent activity into the "LastSyncs.log" file,
which can be found in that same directory.

So, it seems, when saving the FFS-batch file, you have specified your Desktop to be the place where log-files are to be stored. So, either re-SaveAS the batch-file under the same name while changing the log-options,
Or edit the specific *.ffs_batch file with a text editor and in the LogfileFolder section remove the reference to the Desktop.
Posts: 2
Joined: 5 Jun 2017


Thank you.
That worked like a charm.