(S)FTP on Linux

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Posts: 8
Joined: 13 Apr 2017


Hi there,

I would like to use FreeFileSync 9.1 to synchronise an FTP account. However, the Cloud Folder button appears not to be present on my Linux version of the program.

If (S)FTP available in the Linux version?

Many thanks.
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Joined: 29 May 2017


Seems developer ignoring that problem:
Posts: 8
Joined: 13 Apr 2017


Ah, ok. More's the pity (I really want to stop having to use SyncBackPro in a Windows VM for my FTP synchronisations). Thanks sadhaka.
Posts: 32
Joined: 11 Jul 2016


FreeFileSync does work with SFTP on Linux. One just has to mount the SFTP volume vis SSHFS first.

sshfs user@server:/ /mount-point -o idmap=user
Posts: 32
Joined: 11 Jul 2016


@Zenju Is there a plan to make a SFTP client native to the Linux version so that SSHFS does not have to be used?
Posts: 16
Joined: 19 Jul 2017


I just want to add my support to this issue. I will soon be using FFS on both Windows and Linux machines, and feature parity would be really helpful! Built-in SFTP for the Linux client seems like a no-brainer to me.

Meanwhile; thanks @schnappi for the workaround!
Posts: 32
Joined: 11 Jul 2016


Would love to take credit but it was the developer (@Zenju) who came up with the SSHFS suggestion.

Previously was looking for FreeFileSync SFTP support on Linux to do two-way sync. However have since started using Syncthing over SSH instead. Syncthing could operate securely without SSH buts its just easier not to open more ports than SSH. Delta sync (partial transfer) makes Syncthing a much better tool than FreefileSync for two-way sync (plus it's in real time instead of on-demand). Only downside is a one-time setup on both ends instead of being able to do everything through the FreeFileSync client. So do understand why native SFTP support for Linux isn't there. Whats the point with tools like rsync for on-demand SFTP sync and Syncthing for real-time sync? Once one understands how rsync works exclusions and include-only statements are pretty easy. Really the only two things FreeFileSync can do that can't be accomplished in rsync is on-demand two-way sync or any kind of sync between two remote devices. On Windows lacking rsync or anything similar FreeFileSync really acts as a rsync replacement for me and is just absolutely amazing for backups.

So point being with all the above. While FreeFileSync is awesome and a much needed tool do get why with limited resources a native SFTP client isn't in the Linux version and why Zenju hasn't said anything here.