Right files not deleted with a time filter

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I collect photos from my devices that I store locally. Then, I want to have the latest ones (3 months) in the cloud to show to my friends in mobility.

So I use a mirror sync. with a 90 days span to a folder that my NAS will then synchronize with Google Photo.
The issue is that the new files are added but the old files are not deleted.

I seems that the filter do not care about additional files in the rigth side.
It is like the filter is applied on both sides.

Is there a way to delete these files ?

If not : what about a new feature for Mirror mode like "Apply filter on left side only. Extra files on right side will be deleted" ?

To reproduce easily :
- Execute a mirror with the lasted 30d files
- Then update the filter to keep only 10d => no files will be deleted
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Filtering (via the FFS built-in include and exclude filters) will include, respectively exclude files from the sync.
Files that have been excluded via a filter will also not be deleted at the target side in a Mirror sync (after all: they have been excluded from the sync ...)

By the way: how do you "filter" on 30d or 10d? I am not familiar with an option to filter on date in FFS.
What you can do is adding the file date to the info shown in the right-column and then sort on file date.
You might then select all files older than x-days at the target side (select the "top" one of the files to be deleted, and shift-select the "bottom" one of the list to be deleted), and then right-click and choose Delete.