Help with comparison

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Posts: 1
Joined: 24 Sep 2017


I am rather new to FFS. I tried using comparison feature by File Content and can't seem to grasp the proper use of it.

Let's say I have a camera that assigns names to files as an alphanumeric, ie IMG_0022. I change those names to something more meaningful for me, such as a date and number, ie: 2017-09-15_22.

The only thing that changed really is the name. The file (image) is still identical.

Sometimes, I find a memory card or an unprocessed backup with the original file name and I want to compare them to my server, which stores all of my images.

When using the compare by File Content the FFS does not see the two files as identical and wants to copy the identical image, with a different name to the destination folder.

Am I missing something? How can I compare the two files for being identical in everything, except the name?

Thank you.