Log file does not show error

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I updated yesterday and last night my automated execution of FreeFileSync had an error. Something about reading a .dat file and the GUI message said I should re-install. No problem.

My problem, however, is this:

Since I was running this as a batch job, I do not want a GUI to show a message and sit and wait for a response. My job captured the fact that the return code from each of my two sync routines was 4. But, my OS did not go back to sleep because the process never ended. (all of which is coded using an autohotkey script and a Windows scheduled task).

1. How can I avoid having a GUI open to display an error message?

2. Each sync job created a log, and in each log the sync process was shown as successful, with a RC=0. I did not get any other logs. Neither log contains information about the error. Do I have to turn on something to get a log about the installation error rc=4? I would have preferred the error had been delivered to a log instead of a gui--since I was running a batch job.

Thank you
Joe Petree
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RC 4 is not a regular synchronization error, but a general failure of FFS to even start. I assume you've been updating FFS and somewhere in the middle a batch job started while the installation was not yet finished. So this kind of error is nothing you would ever expect after you've successfully installed.