FTP needs auto Retry

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Hello, my first time posting here so if I am missing some sort of protocol for posting I apologize.

I receive an error most of the time I attempt to synchronize to an FTP.

This is usually the first error I receive:
Cannot open directory "ftp://--omitted--".

CURLE_OPERATION_TIMEDOUT: 421 Could not create socket. [curl_easy_perform]
If I press retry a couple of times through various possible progressive errors, it works fine. I searched the forum and found this was previously discussed, but that was a long time ago.

I am using ver 9.5.

Seems to me if the 'Retry' and 'Delay' parameters from Tools Options applied here as well all would be fine.

Is this actually implemented and I don't know how to turn it on?

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Auto-retry is used for FFS batch jobs and the synchronization part of GUI syncs, but currently not for the comparison phase. The reasoning is that the most-likely error is a folder that cannot be found in which case a retry would be useless.