CRC32 verification ??

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I used to use vice versa pro, that has the CRC32 check feature between the source and target
I think now of using FFS instead because it is crossplatform and opensource + has an excellent active forum

Does FFS do the same CRC job and how do I check it ?

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FFS has binary comparison!
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Joined: 21 Feb 2018


ok, thank you

but there is nothing indicating the CRC calculation like a tootbar or whatever ?

For instance I have created 2 text files 0Kb in 2 directories, their CRC32 is for both 00000000 (these are the first 8 digits)
then I have opened the one located in the source, I have written the letter "a" then recorded it, so it has been now modified, the size is 1 kb instead of the one in the target directory which is still 0 KB. ok.

Now, when I launch vice versa pro, the modified file has the following CRC32 signature E8B7BE43, and if I choose to update the one in the target, it will get the same CRC32 value, but here I have a way one knowing it since it is displayed

hence my question...