sync.ffs_lock being constantly modified

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I am using RealTimeSync, which of course runs FreeFileSync. My problem is, it works for a while, but then it just keeps modifying the "sync.ffs_lock" file (in both of the synced folders), every few seconds writing a NULL character to the end of the file. I have logging enabled, and in these cases no logs are being created, therefore the operation is not finished, sync is not happening. Unfortunately it's not possible to open the program and see where is it stuck and other information.
Any suggestions are appreciated, I also give any extra info, if someone is willing to deal with my problem.

Thank you very much!
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The sync.ffs_lock file is being modified means that some FreeFileSync instance is still running and keeping the lock alive.
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I understand. But after the sync is done, the ffs_lock file should got deleted. Instead of that, its size keeps increasing while no actual syncing being done.
I can fix the issue by deleting the ffs_lock and the ffs_db file, and then restarting RealTimeSync. It syncs flawlessly, makes the log file, then deletes the ffs_lock file, and no files are made until I make any changes. But eventually just fails without any notice.
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This sounds like a second FreeFileSync instance, unrelated from the one started by RTS is responsible.
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Hmm, thank you for the tip. I will double check my settings then.
By the way it's a really genius tool, the best I ever had for syncing. Also much appreciate the responsive support here.