Feature Suggestion - Drag & Drop multiple foldersw

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Posts: 1
Joined: 23 Mar 2018


Hey guys thank you for your amazing software.
I would like to suggest 2 simple (I think) features to improve user experience.
It will be nice if the sources panel autofills with the necessary rows if I drag multiple folders on it.
It will be nicer if I drag a folder with subfolders on the destination panel and it autofills, looking for the same folder names (or best match) in the source panel, from the folder with subfolders I dragged on the destination.

I'll try to explain it better. I have an external hd I use for projects for different subjects. Every project has it's own folder. I backup projects on different Nas folders.
For example I have video and photo both on Nas and external hd
When I backup I would like to go inside the video folder on external hd, select multiple folders, drag all of them in FFS source panel and it autofills with the necessary rows, instead of dragging each one of them.

Then I'll go to the nas Video folder, which contains more folders than the video folder on external hd, but If i drag the video folder from the nas on the destination panel, it will be nice (via check box or something) that FFS will search inside the folder I dragged for the best match with folders from the source.

So I can backup/update in 2 drags and one click instead of dragging each folder from the extenal hd and Nas where there are a lot of folders.
Thank you
Posts: 292
Joined: 13 Apr 2017


Did you know that you can save your configuration to a file with a name of your choice once created?
You don't have to do the steps you describe every time.