Parallel Comparison and Sync

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Posts: 1
Joined: 15 May 2018


I am using FFS to back up my local Drive to a remote server via sftp,
this means that I have to transfer a large amount of data with a relatively small upload rate, so the sync will not be completed in one session.
The problem with this is that FFS first has to scan all my folders and compare them before it even copies one file,
and after a restart that progress is reset and it has to start all over again.
It would be a lot more effective if (at least in batch mode) FFS would compare and synchronize in parallel, meaning it would compare a file, sync it according to the rules and then continue comparing the next one.
Preferably you could also safe the progress of which files you've already synced, so you can continue where you left off after a restart and don't have to do the same files over and over again.

Thanks for the great work and it would be awesome if you could find the time to implement this.
It would make my life a lot easier