Unanswered question: "Waiting until all directories are available"

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Posts: 5
Joined: 18 May 2018


I asked this question twice elswhere, but it didn't get answered:

The RealTimeSync icon in the taskbar has a message "Waiting until all directories are available". I'm currently syncing 2 PCs - I may want to sync 3 PCs in the future. Does this message mean that all 3 PCs would need to be on for sync to occur, or will sync occur if only 2 of the PCs are on, i.e. some directories are available, not all directories are available?
Posts: 1
Joined: 5 Jun 2018


I have the same problem, so I'd say that all folders need to be available, at least with RealTimeSync. Love to find a workaround, though. Liked FreeFileSync enough to contribute. This is the first time I am less than completely satisfied.