Is Copy One thumbs.db File Possible When thumbs.db Files are Excluded in the 'Exclude' Filter Options?

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For a mirror sync operation I have this line in my 'Exclude' filter options:
I want to know if I can leave that line in place but somehow in the 'Include' filter settings set an instruction to copy a thumbs.db file from a single folder (hence, overriding the 'exclude' setting for that folder only)? If it is possible to do this what would the 'Include' line look like?
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Okay, Zenju. Thanks very much for the reply.

Maybe you could code this in somehow -- allow single folder, or single file, overrides to the "Exclude" rules. Just a thought, being able to do that might be handy in some situations.

Thanks again.
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Did you consider to use two left-right pairs?
The first one equal to your present one, but moving the exclude filter from the global to the local filter definition,
and add a second left-right pair that is (more) specific to the thumbs.db -file(s) you want to be synced, using the local include filter (of that second left-right pair) to define that/those file(s).
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Plerry, when I first read your response I was thinking, "Local filter? What local filter? There aren't any local filters." I spent a day going back into for FFS for half an hour looking for 'local filters' -- none to be seen anywhere. Shut it down. Look again a couple of hours later, must have missed something. Still no local filters. Back and forward for a day like a yo-yo looking for something that can't be seen.

Following day I thought what the heck and just tried, and succeeded (easily), in making two left-right pairs. And, like magic, suddenly the local filters options buttons appeared. In the process now of constructing something that will work based on your instructions.

Many thanks (again) Plerry. You're a huge credit to this forum.
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Having local sync settings only makes sense when using multiple left-right pairs
and therefore are only shown then.
But, as you have (re)discovered: often only in hindsight things become obvious. ... ;-)
Success with your sync!