New to FFS, Need help with something.

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Joined: 14 Jan 2019


Good morning,

I would like some help setting up a conditional formatting setting.

The end goal is;

Most recent file to be copied and renamed (to a certain name ie: file.xlsx to a new location. If a file with the same name, overwrite the original file.

I have played around with settings, but cant seem to figure it out. Any help would be appreciated.

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FreeFileSync (FFS) can copy a file to a specified location if no file with the same name exists in that specified location, or overwrite a pre-existing file with the same name if the to-be-copied file is more recent than the pre-existing file.

FFS can/does not rename files (while copying).

However, in distinct cases FFS is able to detect if a file is renamed (e.g. in its left-location) and then
apply the renaming of that file to the sync location (as per the example: the right location).
This, as opposed to a (left-to-right copy) of the file with the new filename and a (right side) deletion of the file under its old filename.