Include/Exclude Filter, recurse subdirectories

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is there a way to indicate, in the include/exclude filters, to recurse subdirectories with a certain filter?
Thank you
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Hello Zenju, thank you. I've already visited that page and checked the syntax.
What I'm not making work is the following:

Exclude filter: *
*Include filter: a sort of directories, with all it's contentes (files and subdirs).*

What I'm trying to do is sync in a machine SOME directories of a certain path. The reason why I'm using the exclude filter = "*" and edit the include paths, is because there are lots of dirs to exclude, and only a few to include. I cant make work to include a directory and all its contents (files and subdirectories).

Please tell me whats the correct way to do this.
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Just use an include filter for the items you want and leave the exclude filter empty.
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Hi Zenju,
yes, that's what I'm trying to do. But I cannot make the include filter to include all files and subdirectories in a path, unless I write a line for each subdir... Is it possible to recurse subdirectories or not?
Thank you
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Can you give a specific example what you are trying to do?
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Yes of course, thank you.
I have a directory structure like this:

SFTP:\_SHARED\Folder 1\ files and subfolders
SFTP:\_SHARED\Folder 2\ files and subfolders
SFTP:\_SHARED\Folder 3\ files and subfolders
SFTP:\_SHARED\Folder n\ files and subfolders

In a particular machine, I want to sync, i.e, Folder 1 and Folder 2 only (with all its contents).
For that, because there are n folders in the path "_shared" , and n is much bigger than 2 (the folders I want to sync), I decided to edit the filters like:

Exclude: *
Include: \Folder 1\* ;  \Folder 2\*
With SFTP:\_SHARED as the root path of the sync configuration.

But this is not working for some reason, it does not sync all the contents of the two mentioned folders...

Am I doing something wrong?
Thank you again Zenju
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Yes of course, thank you.
I have a directory structure like this:

SFTP:\_SHARED\Folder 1\ files and subfolders
SFTP:\_SHARED\Folder 2\ files and subfolders
SFTP:\_SHARED\Folder 3\ files and subfolders
SFTP:\_SHARED\Folder n\ files and subfolders

In a particular machine, I want to sync, i.e, Folder 1 and Folder 2 only (with all its contents).
For that, because there are n folders in the path "_shared" , and n is much bigger than 2 (the folders I want to sync), I decided to edit the filters like:

Exclude: *
Include: \Folder 1\* ;  \Folder 2\*
With SFTP:\_SHARED as the root path of the sync configuration.

But this is not working for some reason, it does not sync all the contents of the two mentioned folders...

Am I doing something wrong?
Thank you again Zenju
The filter setup looks correct except for the exclude filter which should be empty. (Include and exclude filters are AND-related, not OR)
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Ohhh ok Zenju!
I will try leaving the exclude filter empty... sadly I can't try until monday...
Thank you!
Happy holidays!