Need to support MDTM rather than MFMT by setting.

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Mitchell Lee


The vsFTPd not support MFMT command which FreeFileSync using for sync.
But it support MDTM only.
suggest that support MDTM by setting or even auto detecting.

Thank you.

P.S : It seem that very old issue which not fixed.
Please seriously consider employ the MDTM option.

Thank yo in advance.
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This probably wouldn't help much anyway since vsFTPd also doesn't support MLSD to retrieve full-precision UTC file times. Instead the LIST command only returns precision up to minutes or even days.
MDTM to set file times seems to be a hack, the proper FTP way is MFMT.
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Mitchell Lee

Well...there should be nice way or dirty way in source code level.
but what you pointing is that the FreeFileSync program against one of world most top popular FTP server that not to use. People cannot just rid out the FTP what they are using at home, company etc. Again, this is one of world most popular product that vsFTP which not supporting MFMT.
So, strongly asking the development team to support workaround for vsFTPd.

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Hm, from their homepage it looks like vsFTP hasn't received updates for years (2015). FileZilla is also not supporting MDTM to set file times:
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Mitchell Lee

Then....we can say that....the FreeFileSync forcing to use the ProFTPd unintentionally???
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Mitchell Lee

By the way,
(I must note you that)as a OpenWRT(18.06.1 latest) user,
there is only vsFTP for the system.
So hope that you guys find ANY of workaround for the custom/embeded linux users.
Hope that hear any update from FreeFileSync side sooner or later(especially update latter!)

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Mitchell Lee

Seriously asking you that what should I do?
Take another sync client to use?? up to use FreeFileSync???