I've been using FreeFileSync occasionally for a couple of months, very satisfied with the result... But I'm now trying to use RealTimeSync, with a simple batch created with FFS, and I get an error :-\ (sorry, I'm French so my translation could be incorrect, so I prefer to put it in my native language :-p
Impossible de gérér le répertoire "/home/username/Téléchargements"
Code Erreur 20: N'est pas un dossier [inotify_add_watch]
Well, it works with FFS, so I guess there is a problem...
For information, I'm running those on Linux (Manjaro), under the currently last versions of FFS and RTS (10.14).
Is there something I forgot to set and need to do in order to have it work ? Or is it somewhat... buggy ? :-\