Comleted with errors - No files backup stored in 3 drives backup

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I was create backup and ran the freefilesync before and it has work successfully. Now I have created a NAS machine and run again this freefilesync and display the error like this:

Completed with erros
- Cannot set directory locks for the following folders "Z:\Desktop
- Cannot write file "Z:\Desktop\sync.ffs.lock",
- Erro Code 5: Access is denied. [CreateFile] "Z:\Document
- Cannot write file "Z:\Document\sync.ffs.lock", and so on

- Cannot copy file
- "C:\Users\User\download ……
- Erro Code 5: Access is denied. [CopyFileEx]

Can anyone give why this error happens like as given above please?

Thank you in advance
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Typically that is caused by the permission settings on the NAS. Can you manually copy files to/from the server using just explorer?
Posts: 6
Joined: 9 Aug 2019


Typically that is caused by the permission settings on the NAS. Can you manually copy files to/from the server using just explorer? xCSxXenon, 10 Aug 2019, 16:08
Actually, permission has been set. I can create many folders and any files e.g. excel, word, etc. Copying files from anywhere and paste on NAS it's really work.

I was created the partition localy thru the C: drive, and run this program and it was works. The problem I have faced now, I'm trying to re-run and overwrite the batch I saved to the different drive that has been created on the NAS and gave me the errors as I mentioned in my last discussion.

Hope to hear from you.

Best regard