Sound an alert when manual "Compare" has completed in FFS GUI

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Joined: 7 Aug 2018


Running a manual "Compare" in a batch job with lots of files can take a long time on older/underpowered computers with big mechanical hard drives. (I've had Compares that took nearly ten minutes to complete.) When that's the case, users will usually want to switch to some other task while the Compare is running. Sounding an audible alert (like the one for the Synchronize stage) when the Compare stage is completed would let users know when it's time to switch back to FFS and help them complete their FFS work without additional delay.
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There is an option to set this in options.
Posts: 32
Joined: 7 Aug 2018


I don't understand how I could have overlooked that setting! Maybe it's because I usually edit the GlobalSettings.xml file directly and never noticed the NotificationSound tag. Regardless, this will make my batch-job troubleshooting less tedious and more efficient, so thank you!