Dropbox - online only files causing FFS to hang

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Joined: 29 Oct 2019



I quickly searched forum but couldn't find this topic.

When trying to sync folders (across drives) FFS prompts with an error first time that it hits a Dropbox 'online only' type file......

Once it hits one of these the sync just hangs indefinitely.

Is there a way for FFS to ignore such 'files' in a folder. ie they're indication of a file present on DB server but the actual file doesn't exist on a local harddrive which perhaps confuses FFS?


Posts: 2
Joined: 29 Oct 2019


Hi - bumping to verfiy that there's no known answer to this one?

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I don't know this Dropbox concept, but ...
Did you try adding the 'online only' file(s) to the Exclude filter.
The simplest way to go about is to run a Compare.
The 'online only' file(s) should show up in the Compare result list, with a copy-over proposed sync action.
If you now right-click on such file, you can easily add it to the Exclude filter.
Alternatively, you can open the In- and Exclude Filter using the funnel-icon and manually add 'online only' files.
Note that FFS filter entries are relative to the left- and right base location of the sync.