Sync "my computers" in Google Drive

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The program supports sync for "my drive" but aparently not for "my computers"

is there a way to do this or will it be posible in the future?
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Apparently Google doesn't allow third-party software to access "My Computers" for some reason:

I'm not sure what the point of "My Computers" is anyway, when there is regular "My Drive".
Apparently "My Computers" is supposed to be for backups with Google's own "Backup & Sync" tool. But it seems you can just as easily create a subfolder in "My Drive" for the exact same task and then sync with FreeFileSync.
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According to:
Backup and sync is completely useless and you might as well use Drive
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"My Computers" can be synced with FreeFileSync 11.19! viewtopic.php?t=9293#p33700