Warning: sync.ffs_lock - Access is denied

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Just starting to use FreeFileSync and the first thing to pop up after mirror sync setup is the following:

Warning Cannot set directory locks for the following folders:
Cannot write file "\\GX780\Drive-C\MarinaPro v20.0.8 Master\sync.ffs_lock".
ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED: Access is denied. [CreateFile]

I selected to "Ignore" and then the mirror copy took place without incident.

I could not find any explanation of "sync.ffs_lock" access error on the Help page.
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It is to prevent multiple syncs from occurring at the same time on the same directory.
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OK, but since it was a first time sync from computer "A" over the network to computer "B", how is that relevant to multiple syncs occurring? What is a multiple sync anyway?

Is "Ignore" typically the default response?
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Multiple locations/computers syncing the same locations