Exclude a folder, but include a subfolder

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There is a description how to exclude a folder, except for certain files.... good!

But I would love to know how I can exclude a folder, except for some subfolders of it.

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Essentially in the same way:
Assuming you have a left base location [LEFT] and a right base location [RIGHT] and you want to exclude the entire folder A in the base location(s), but you want to include its subfolders A\B and A\C:

- You can then define two identical left-right base location pairs [LEFT] and [RIGHT], and give one pair a (local) Exclude Filter (via the funnel icon in between each left-right pair) that comprises the line "\A\" (without the quotes) and for the other left-right pair you change the Local Include Filter from "*" into two lines "\A\B\" or "\A\B\*" and "\A\C\" or "\A\C\*" (and have no "\A\" in the Local Exclude Filter).

- Alternatively, you can then define two left-right base location pairs. A first pair [LEFT] and [RIGHT], having a (local) Exclude Filter that comprises the line "\A\" (without the quotes)
and a second left-right pair [LEFT\A] and [RIGHT\A] and you change the Local Include Filter from "*" into two lines "\B\" or "\B\*" and "\C\" or "\C\*" (and have no "\A\" in the Local Exclude Filter).

- Yet alternatively, you can define three left-right base folder pairs, pair 1 being [LEFT] and [RIGHT], pair 2 being [LEFT\B] and [RIGHT\B] and pair 3 being [LEFT\C] and [RIGHT\C] and only have a global Include Filter "*" and Exclude Filter that comprises "\A\" (assuming there is no direct subfolder of B and C called A ...)

The sequence of the two or three pairs in each of the above approaches is arbitrary.