Easier sync selected items?

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Joined: 22 Mar 2012


This seems to be way too many steps to sync only certain items.

Select All -> ctrl-click items to keep -> (right-click, select exclude OR
press space) -> Synchronize -> Start

I know the last step may be avoided by selecting "Do not show this dialog
again", but it still is more steps than it should be.

Is there another way that I'm unaware of, or does anyone have an external
command to execute which ever option is selected for the items that are
selected? It would be great if you could ctrl-click the items, then right-
click and choose sync, or if there was a "Synchronize Selected Items" button.
If there's not an easier way, then I'll add a feature request.
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Currently there is no "sync selected items only" feature, but it needs to be
emulated by excluding everything else and doing a regular sync. Considering
the two scenarios "sync everything" and "sync manual selection only", FFS
places an emphasis on former regarding ease of use. In general FFS's ability
to allow temporal inclusion/exclusion is *almost* the tool that is required to
handle "sync selected items". The goal would be to find a
generalization/refinement of the current design, which makes this scenario
more easy without further complicating the GUI.